Michelle Wordsworth
I help spiritual creatives in 9 to 5 jobs turn your gifts into an online business so you can create the life you love!
Michelle Wordsworth
I help spiritual creatives in 9 to 5 jobs turn your gifts into an online business so you can create the life you love!

Courses & Workshops

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1:1 Coaching

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Hi! My name is Michelle
I am a Spiritual Life & Business Coach specialising in Mindset & Manifestation
I help creatives, visionaries, spiritual practitioners, coaches and those who have a holistic and spiritual outlook on life to uncover your unique gifts. Discover your life's purpose so that you can finally escape the 9 to 5 once and for all. Create an abundance of wealth doing what you love and live your dream life!

You know you are here for more than just going through the motions of working for others who tell you what to do, or that cap your earning potential at a fixed hourly rate.

You are here to make a difference in other peoples lives and I am here to show you that there is another way.

There is an easier way that doesn’t involve you having to give away your power to others or be conditioned by other people rules or limitations.

Create the freedom you desire and design a way of life where you no longer have to choose one thing over another. Instead you can choose to do it all and live a life where you thrive!

Imagin a life where you work less and earn more by optimising your time and skills to work for you while doing something you are truly passionate about.

Learn to leverage your time wisely so that you can generate income while you are enjoying life rather than being glued to a desk in a traditional job.

You will gain the confidence to take action regardless of tech skills or starting budget by designing  a framework that works perfectly for you.

True freedom is creating opportunities without limitations!

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